Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology Update: August 2023

The second half of the Water Rabbit year is here with the arrival of the Metal Monkey month on August 7 (or August 8 for those in parts of Asia, Australia, and New Zealand). The Monkey leads us into the beginning of fall in the Northern Hemisphere, a season ruled by Metal. In the Feng Shui Flying Star chart, star 2 of illness in the center highlights the importance of self-care this month.

Before we dive deeper into the month ahead, I’d like to share with you the latest news on my oracle deck, The Chinese Five Elements Oracle, which will be available starting on October 10, 2023.  You can pre-order the oracle now at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Bookshop, Books-A-Million, Booktopia (for those in Australia), Waterstones (for those in the UK), and Indigo (for those in Canada)! I’m preparing some gifts for those who pre-order – stay tuned for details.
It’s exciting to see the oracle, my labor of love of the past two years, fully manifested from my dreams into reality and I’m beyond grateful to Hay House for the support. The oracle contains not only traditional theories and modern interpretation of the 60 pillars of Chinese astrology, but it also provides energetic insights of the body informed by Qigong, ancestral wisdom, and captivating visuals of beloved Chinese folktales and sacred symbols. My hope for you is that you will find guidance, wisdom, and healing as well as joy and delight from the images of the cards and the writing in the guidebook, whether you’re a Chinese metaphysics expert or someone who’s just learning about the five elements. Let the oracle open your heart, mind, and soul to the Tao – we are all children of the Tao!

The Metal Monkey: a double dose of Metal
August is a time of accelerated change, with the environment shifting from the heaviness of double Yin Earth in the previous month to the sharpness and decisiveness of Metal, the element of awe, spirit, and mystery. In the Chinese Five Elements theory, Metal is produced by Earth – it’s the gold that emerges from Earth, and the state of clarity achieved after a deep meditation. Like a mirror, Metal reflects the truth. Metal helps us gain the clarity to see things as they are. Paradoxically, Metal also reminds us that not everything can be explained by logic. Associated with the lungs, Metal symbolizes the breath, our source of spirit.
Yang Metal dominates in this double Metal month, highlighting a time of self-reflection and clearing out what doesn’t serve. Imagine a warrior cutting through obstacles with his sword. The Monkey as a Yang Metal sign has no attachment and is quick to cut through illusion and deception. Metal has a dispersive energy – think of trees shedding their leaves. What do you need to shed, cut, and release in order to move forward? The Monkey as a travel star is also quick by nature. It’s a fast-paced month ahead and before you know it, the month will be over.
Expect major shifts in the next 6 months
This Metal Monkey month marks a palpable energy shift, a turning point that some of us may have felt since the Full Moon on August 1st. We’re heading into new territories – after an expansive first half of the year, Yang is now making room for Yin, a time of enriching the spirit and returning to our inner power.
Various cycles are closing – we’re in the last four months of a 5-year cycle of the 60 monthly pillars that started in December 2018. Think back to the past five years – what did you start then that is now ending, being completed, or moving into a new phase? As we finish up the cycle, what projects are we wrapping up? A new 5-year cycle will start when the Wood Rat month begins on December 7. Instead of closing out your yearly commitments at the end of December, plan to have them completed in the first week of December.
There’s a bigger, much more significant cycle that’s ending as the Water Rabbit year comes to a close. We’re now in the last few months of Period 8, a 20-year Yang cycle ruled by the Mountain trigram. Starting in February 2024, the Wood Dragon year will officially take us into the Age of 9, a 20-year Yin cycle ruled by the Fire trigram. Take note of what’s changed in the past 20 years, especially in the digital landscape. Can you imagine life without social media now? But just think, 20 years ago, it didn’t quite exist. Interestingly, Facebook was launched on February 4, 2004, the first day of Period 8! Now imagine what can happen in the next 20 years – we will look back and hardly recognize our present ways of life.
As I’ve written previously in my year of the Water Rabbit outlook, Period 8’s Mountain trigram (☶) represents knowledge, which has flourished rapidly in the past two decades thanks to digital innovations. We witnessed numerous digital advances and disruptions by young tech innovators starting in the early 2000s.
Whereas Period 8 favored youthful masculine Yang energy, Period 9, associated with ☲ Li, the Fire trigram, puts the spotlight on more mature feminine, Yin energy. Expect to see more women (especially Gen X!) coming into power and positions of influence in their communities. I have much more to say about the Age of 9 that I will share in an upcoming post dedicated to the period and its synchronicity with Pluto in Aquarius.
Lion’s Gate and the Monkey
Each year, the alignment of our Earth, the Sun in Leo, and Sirius (Celestial Wolf in Chinese astronomy) in the late summer opens up the Lion’s Gate portal of high frequency energy. It’s not a coincidence that the arrival of the Monkey month also marks the peak of Lion’s Gate on 8/8.  Light / Yang Qi is at its strongest in the first two weeks of the month, considered the hottest time of the year in TCM, with temperatures soaring across parts of the world. It’s best to avoid heat during this time, not only to prevent dampness caused by the late summer heat and humidity, but also because we need to balance the extreme Yang with Yin. Go deep into your inner sanctuary and take the extreme heat as an invitation to nourish the spirit within. Calm that inner spirit so that the heart is ready to receive more light.

What’s ahead for the signs
The Monkey as one of the travel stars in Chinese astrology brings change and movement, especially to those born in year or day of the Tiger, Horse, or Dog. Be proactive – embrace change and be quick and decisive in this fast-paced month, or change will be forced upon you.
The signs that are in harmony with the Monkey are allies the Rat and the Dragon. Those with these signs in their chart can generally expect a more supportive, collaborative month ahead. The Monkey’s secret friend the Snake, however, needs to err on the side of caution as the Snake has a side clash / a square with the Monkey as fellow travel stars. Keep a high awareness of your surroundings and avoid high-risk activities if you were born in the year or day of the Tiger, the sign opposite the Monkey.
If you were born on a Yin Wood day or year (which is a year ending in 5 such as 1975, 1985, 1995) or Yin Earth day or year (ending in 9 such as 1979, 1989, 1999), you benefit from heavenly guidance and earthly support as the Monkey is your Divine Support star – a good month to schedule personal or professional consultations as the help and advice you get will be what you need. *To find out the element of the day you were born (which is your self element or day master), go to this chart calculator and input your birthday. The result will show the Self-Element listed as the Day Master and in the “Stem” element of the Day pillar in the Four Pillars (BaZi) chart.

What’s ahead for the self-elements (day masters)
Metal is the wealth element of those whose self-element / day master is Fire. If you were born on a Fire day, plan your revenue-making strategies and actions accordingly so you can take advantage of financial opportunities coming your way in the next two months.
Those who are Earth day masters will be very busy this season, with opportunities to showcase their skills and knowledge to the world as Metal represents their intelligence. Embrace these high times of productivity as you will be financially rewarded when Water element shows up in winter!
Metal represents allies and competitors to those born on a Metal day. If Metal is your day master, this is a good month for social activities, teamwork, and collaborations. Turn your competitors into allies. We’re all in this together.
If you were born on a Water day, you may spend the next two months learning and acquiring new skills as Metal highlights your resources. You may also spend more time on your health and home improvement projects.
Wood day masters may feel more pressures in the work front as Metal represents power and authority. Keep your calm under pressure and turn those challenges into opportunities – the powers that be are watching you. You’re in the spotlight!
In the Flying Star chart for the month of the Metal Monkey, the numbers in green are the annual stars for the current year (good until February 3, 2024), while the numbers in blue refer to the monthly stars (good from August 7/8 to September 7, 2023).
The various meanings associated with the flying star, its trigram, and its element at the center can provide us with divine guidance for the specific period. With monthly star 2 of illness, associated with Kun, the Earth trigram, in the center, keep yourself healthy by getting enough rest and maintaining a balanced lifestyle.
The Earth trigram (☷) relates to Mother Earth, the family matriarch, and the digestive system. It is a pure Yin trigram, with three broken Yin lines symbolizing the female principle, the receptive force. Be open to receive, and practice gratitude for what you have and what’s given to you. The Earth trigram is also a reminder that we have the freewill to choose our own actions and the power to create our own outcomes. We’re part of Mother Earth, and everything we do has an effect on others and the environment.
The most vibrant sectors in August are the Southwest, with monthly star 8 of prosperity and annual star 1 of wisdom in the sector, the South, with monthly star 6 of power and authority creating a vibrant combination with annual star 8 of prosperity, and the West, visited by monthly star 4 of creativity and romance and annual star 6. You may find that you’re happier and more productive when you spend more time in these sectors as your presence activates the positive stars.
Keep the center of your office or residence clean, tidy, and free of loud noises and bright colors to avoid activating the monthly star 2 of illness. The Northwest, East, and Northeast sectors should also be kept as quiet as possible – these are the other sectors afflicted by yearly and monthly stars 5 and 2. Pay extra attention to your health if your bedroom is in the East sector as monthly star 9 strengthens the annual star 2. Reinforce all doors and windows located in the North as the 9/7 combination increases risk of robbery and fire dangers.
*Although there are remedies to lessen a sector’s negative energy, the best solution is to keep the area as quiet and uncluttered as possible, especially if you’re not familiar with your home’s natal energies as you may accidentally activate a negative natal star.


For daily insights, follow my Instagram account @5elementsoracle 

*Feature photo © borchee / iStock