Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology Update: September 2019

September 8 takes us into the month of the Water Rooster. We’re now in the middle of autumn in the Chinese calendar, the peak of Metal season, with strong influence of Yin Water bringing hints of what’s to come in the Yin-dominated months ahead.

The first half of the Rooster month is a two-week period called “White Dew Descends”, an appropriately poetic name for one of the year’s loveliest seasonal markers, with Yin continuing her rise and Yang stepping back. The very Yin quality of morning dew is the harbinger of change, a time of clarity and stillness associated with Metal element. The fall equinox marks the second half of the month, with Yin now taking charge as nights get longer and the environment grows ever more yin.

As Yin Water, the heavenly, higher frequency element of the month, represents wisdom, this is a good month to bring in more wisdom into your life and practice what’s referred to as “wuwei” in Taoism – letting things happen naturally without force and working in the direction of the flow rather than fighting against it. We can cultivate wisdom by enriching the mind with higher knowledge, filling the heart with beauty and gratitude, and living in tune with nature (which is Feng Shui).

The Rooster is a pure Yin Metal sign associated with beauty, gold, and all that glitters. It’s no wonder that September is the most important month in the fashion and beauty world, with fashion weeks happening around the world. Those born in year or day of the Monkey, Rat, and Dragon: this is a month to stand out and socialize, as the Rooster, your Peach Blossom, puts the spotlight on you. The Snake and the Ox, as the Rooster’s allies, can expect a collaborative, social month ahead. If you were born on a Fire day or a Fire year (which are years that end with 6 and 7, such as 1976 or 1987), this is a good time to ask your mentors or advisors for help because the Rooster as your nobleman star brings supportive people. If you have a Rooster in your chart, take note of any self-defeating behavior and practice self forgiveness.

For more insights on Metal – the element that is the least understood and most lacking yet most needed in today’s society, check out this article I wrote last year for Energy Magazine September / October 2018 issue (go to page 38).

In the Flying Star Feng Shui chart above for the Rooster month (September 8 to October 7, 2019), the numbers in green are the annual stars for the current year (good until February 4, 2020), while the numbers in blue refer to the monthly stars.

The month’s most auspicious sectors are the North, South, West, and center sectors. The North benefits from the monthly star 9 of joy and future prosperity, which strengthens the quality of the annual star 4 of romance and academic achievements, bringing romance / study luck to those who spend a lot of time in the North sector of their home. The monthly star 8 of prosperity visits the South, bringing money luck to those whose front entrance, living room or office is located in this sector. The West is blessed by the monthly star 6 of power and authority, which also strengthens the annual star 1 of wisdom currently in the West sector. The three sectors also form auspicious “Hotu” combinations (9/4 in the North, 8/3 in the South, and 6/1 in the West) that bring even more positive energy into these sectors.

The monthly star 4 of romance and academic achievements visits the center, which also stimulates the auspicious annual star 8 of prosperity. If you’ve kept the center of your home quiet in August because of the monthly star 5, you can now make use of the center again in September to activate one of the year’s best sectors (provided that the center of your home is a usable open space).

Those whose homes face a cardinal direction can usually take better advantage of September’s lucky combinations, especially if your home’s South, North and center sectors are an open area, without walls separating the sectors.

Keep the Northwest, Southwest, and Northeast sectors quiet in September. The monthly star 5 of misfortune visits the Northwest, and the 5 energy gets strengthened by the annual star 9. The Southwest, visited by the annual star 5, is the sector best kept quiet all year. Reinforce all doors and windows located in the Northeast sector, where the monthly star 7 of robbery “flies” to this month.

As always, remember that common sense rules in Feng Shui. Don’t force your luck if an auspicious star happens to visit an unusable area such as the closet or the bathroom.

*Although there may be remedies to lessen a sector’s negative energy, the best solution is to keep the area as quiet as possible and respect whatever energy is visiting there, especially if you’re not familiar with your home’s natal energies as you may accidentally activate a negative star’s natal influences.

Contact us here if you’d like to identify and activate the auspicious sectors in your living or office space and subdue the influences of inauspicious stars to help manifest your highest potentials. A proper Feng Shui analysis always takes into account the floor plan of a home, its location, direction, external and internal environment, and the year the home was built, as well as its affinity with the residents’ natal charts.

Feng Shui has nothing to do about having a “consultant” come and “clean” your space with sage, incense, or palo santo sticks. While I love those space-clearing tools, they’re as good as vacuuming and mopping the floor and will not get you to the root of the issue. In fact, it is better to vacuum as the noise and movement activate a positive sector – I highly recommend doing so on the first day of the new solar month! Just like we spend time on self-care as part of our life’s self-work, there is major “home” work involved once you’ve had your home professionally Feng Shui’d.

Knowing your home’s natal energies brings full awareness of your internal environment, which is a major part of our luck and destiny. An experienced consultant will identify your home and office’s energetic blue print and give proper recommendations on how to boost the effects of positive stars and lessen the impact of negative stars, but it is up to you whether or not you choose to implement the recommendations.